Product Designer

Product Designer

Product Designer

"Mark brings the design-chops, but more importantly the soft skills that have helped solidify the foundation of this team."
–former Director of Product Design

"Mark brings the design-chops, but more importantly the soft skills that have helped solidify the foundation of this team."
–former Director of Product Design

"Mark brings the design-chops, but more importantly the soft skills that have helped solidify the foundation of this team."
–former Director of Product Design


A new landing page used in all 50 states

…for an app saving clients $55 million per year

Addressing the #1 spend in healthcare

Building a medication coupons feature

Do heuristics belong in a DLS?
(coming soon)

Do heuristics belong in a design system?

Do heuristics belong in a design system?

If you want your coworkers to espouse them

Do heuristics belong in a design system?

An app for musicians everywhere

An app for musicians everywhere

If you want your coworkers to espouse them

Organize and share all the songs you play

Organize and share all the songs you play

Do heuristics belong in a design system?

Only if you want your coworkers to espouse them

An app for musicians everywhere

Organize and share all the songs you play

what they say

What teammates say about me:

 Illustration about my clients

You are an amazing designer and I'm thankful I've had the opportunity to collaborate and learn from you. You have always been a delight to work with and have always made me feel valued and respected on the team.

Product Designer, Zelis

You’ve been a fantastic teammate and mentor to me since I joined the team 3 years ago. You cultivated our team's amazing culture and have made coming into work each day a pleasure. I hope you know the impact you’ve had on everyone you work with is profound.

Product Design Manager, Zelis/Sapphire

I highly recommend Mark as an innovative and creative designer, as well as just an all-around good human being! Mark consistently demonstrated positivity as a team member and was open to problem-solving, always investigating creative ways to improve his area of the platform.

Product Experience Data Analyst, Zelis

What an absolutely terrific year. The dedication to self-improvement, a user-focused approach, and default to collaborate has set him up for continued success.

Director of Product Design, Sapphire

Notioly illustrations by Mary Amato •

Notioly illustrations by Mary Amato •

Notioly illustrations by Mary Amato •

Notioly illustrations by Mary Amato •

Notioly illustrations by Mary Amato •